We always welcome inquiries from highly motivated candidates at the undergraduate, PhD or postdoc level.
To apply for an open job, please follow the instructions in the respective job posting below and do not contact us via the contact form.
To apply for or inquire about opportunities for Master theses, please follow the process of the ML Department described here. For a lab-rotation contact us via the lab’s contact form.
If you want to apply on your own initiative, please also use the contact form.
Open Job Positions
Please follow the links to the official job postings of TUB below.
PhDs / PostDocs
There are currently no other open student positions in the group. However, check the BIFOLD job opportunity site frequently to find other ways of getting involved with us, e.g., via a graduate school program.ofns freider the PhD Fellowships by the Einstein Center for Neurosciences Berlin.
Working Students
There are currently no open student positions. You can find all Student positions of TU Berlin, including those of the IBS lab, if there is an open one, here: LINK.
Lab Rotations, Bachelor & Master Theses
If you are interested in doing a lab rotation or do your Master Thesis at the IBS Lab and have an excellent track record, please follow the process outlined on the ML Department’s website here for Theses, or contact us via the contact form for Lab Rotations. Please include a short paragraph describing your interests and strengths aside from typical application documents (CV, academic track record, …).
You can also stay up to date by following us on social media (we will always post new job openings there as well):